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Monday, November 29, 2004

THOMAS Legislative Web Site Redesign Preview

From the BeSpacific (Law & Technology News) blog
by Sabrina I. Pacifica:

A preview of the new features and design of the THOMAS
(Library of Congress Legislative) Web site is available.
The site's release is expected for January 4, 2005.

The new features include:

*A link to the latest issue of the Daily Digest from the homepage
*A link to most recent legislative action ("Action Yesterday")
from the homepage
*One link - "Bills & Resolutions" - to combine Bill Text and
Bill Summary & Status
*The Congressional Record and its index together on one page
*Bill text searching across multiple Congresses at once

Please note: this is a preview only; the full functionality of the
site won't work until the actual release of the redesign.