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Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Empirical Study of Legal Scholarship

Jim Milles (Out of the Jungle blog, 3/8/2006) brings our
attention to an empirical study of legal scholarship announced
on Conglomerate : Business, Law, Economics & Society
(3/07/2006). Funmi, the author of the post, describes
the project: "We are creating a relational database about legal
scholarship and are using this database to ask (and hopefully
answer) a number of questions about legal scholarship. In this
project, we will look at changes in the nature and content of legal
scholarship, including assessing trends toward interdisciplinary
scholarship. We are also planning to measure the impact of letterhead
bias, assess the influence of “outsider” voices in legal scholarship
and evaluate other aspects of the characteristics of authors of law
review articles. As part of this project, we are also planning to
evaluate the impact of legal scholarship by looking at citations
to law review articles. "