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Thursday, April 06, 2006

Inbox Zero : Help with Managing Your Email Inbox

The Inter Alia blog (4/6/2006) points us to a practical
guide to keeping your email inbox lean and mean. The
Inbox Zero series by Merlin Mann is a series of posts
on the 43 Folders blog that "looks at the skills, tools,
and attitude needed to empty your email inbox and
then keep it that way."

Here's just one an example of Mann's tips for ending
email overload:

"Delete the obvious spam, chain letters, and kitty photos.
Archive the mailing lists and blog comments (sorting by
subject is great for this), all the while identifying, flagging,
and relocating all the actual important stuff to a “pending”
folder — that’s the stuff that will take your real brain power
and valuable time. Just get that sucker down to zero now.