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Friday, June 16, 2006

Google U.S. Government Search

On June 15, Google launched its new U.S. Government Search.
According to the Official Google Blog (6/15/2006) you can use the
new site "to: 1) search across a huge index of U.S. Federal, state
and local government websites via a single search box, and 2) stay
up to date through personalized content feeds from government
agencies and press outlets."

The index includes U.S. federal, state and local sites with domains
such as .gov, .mil as well as select government sites with .com, .us,
and .edu domains. If you have a Google account, you can create
a customized page by logging into Google and selecting from a
"content directory" of popular RSS feeds. You can also search
the web for additional RSS feeds or enter a URL of a known feed
to expand your customized contents.