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Monday, March 05, 2007

NEW! Journal of Comparative Law

The Journal of Comparative Law is a new journal
published by Wildy, Simmonds and Hill Publishing
for the Association of Comparative Legal Studies (ACLS).
The journal aims to "provide a scholarly resource for
the field of comparative legal studies in a broad sense.
In order to achieve this aim, it publishes articles on all
aspects of comparative law, in all geographical areas of
the world, and encourages analytical (rather than
purely descriptive) work with a contextual, theoretical
and interdisciplinary approach. Due weight is given to
the practical aspects of comparative legal studies in a
globalised world."

The Barclay Law Library has received the first two
issues in print. The Table of Contents for these
issues and a selection of content from the
first issue may be found on the journal's web site.