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Thursday, April 05, 2007

"AutoAdmit" Law School Discussion Board Controversy

Brian Leiter examines the controversial law school
discussion board, AutoAdmit, on his Brian Leiter's
Law School Reports (4/4/2007).

The board, created by Anthony Ciolli, a third-year law
student at the University of Pennsylvania, and Jarret
Cohen, a 23-year-old insurance agent, has been the subject
of criticism because of its many anonymous posts that have
been deemed insulting to women and minorities. According
to a Washington Post article, Ciolli was quoted as saying that
he "almost never censor[s] content, no matter how abhorrent
it may be" because he is a "strong believer in freedom of
expression and the marketplace of ideas."

Leiter's post summarizes and links to an extensive article about
AutoAdmit cited on "Unethical Web Sites."