
Law Library announcements, legal research updates from around the world, new and interesting research resources and web sites of interest to the faculty at the Syracuse University College of Law. Note: For easy navigation, right click on hyperlinks to open links in a new window.

Friday, August 24, 2007

ACS ResearchLink -"Connecting Law Students and Lawyers Committed to Justice"

From About ACS ResearchLink:

"ACS ResearchLink collects legal research topics submitted
by practitioners for law students to explore in faculty-supervised
writing projects for academic credit. Topic authors will receive a
copy of the resulting student papers, which ACS will also post in a
searchable online library. By connecting law students and faculty
with the research needs of public interest organizations and advocates,
ACS ResearchLink will become an increasingly comprehensive and
powerful engine for change, while also enhancing the relevance and
influence of student academic scholarship."

The first round of papers on ACS ResearchLink topics will be
submitted following the Fall 2007 academic semester and be
available for searching in early 2008.

For more information:

How ACS ResearchLink works
Why lawyers and law students should participate
For Law Professors with students confronting research & writing requirements