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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

New Blog on the Ward Churchill First Amendment Case

University of Denver law students and faculty from
the Race to the Bottom blog have launched a separate
blog on the Ward Churchill first amendment case.

"Churchill came to the public forefront when reports
surfaced about an essay he wrote that contained critical
comments about the US concerning the 9/11 attacks on
the trade towers in NY (the comments are posted on
Wikipedia). Churchill was ultimately dismissed from the
University of Colorado. He has brought suit alleging
that he was dismissed for exercising his first amendment
rights because of the criticisms in the 9/11 essay.
The University of Colorado, on the other hand, is
asserting that Churchill was dismissed because his
conduct fell 'below minimum standards of professional
integrity.'" (Race to the Bottom, Covering Churchill v.
University of Colorado).

Students and faculty will attend every session of the trial.
They will post after each session, assessing the progress of
the trial. In addition, others will be asked to participate and
write occasional commentary.

Primary materials, including the complaint and the answer,
are posted on the Denver Corporate Governance web site.