The William S. Hein Company has announced two
new modules on its Hein Online electronic resource.
U.S. Presidential Library includes documents such
as the Code of Federal Regulations (Title 3), the Compila-
tion of Messages and Papers of the Presidents by James D.
Richardson, Economic Report of the President, Inaugural
Addresses of the Presidents of the United States, and the
Public Papers of the Presidents. Additional content will
be added to this new library module in future releases.
Through special arrangement with the International Law
Students Association (ILSA), HeinOnline’s Philip C. Jessup
Library offers the complete
collection of the Philip C.Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition,
including complete coverage of the annual Jessup Compendium
since 1960, as well as two periodicals published by ILSA (which
are also available in HeinOnline’s Law Journal Library
collection). Future releases in this library will include works
related to Philip C. Jessup, as well as expanded coverage of the
current content as it becomes available.
(Hein Online Updates, May 15, 2006)